喇嘛 噶瑪賁措訪談錄 () 前任八蚌閉關金剛上師  薩傑仁波切

司徒、明就父子的上師 薩傑仁波切 1985


薩傑仁波切出生於東藏的囊謙,係由第十五世大寶法王 卡恰多傑所認證。他的寺院位在西藏的Ripa Barma

他原本是為了閉三年關而來到西藏八蚌寺,然而當時關房已滿,他便待在八蚌寺的佛學院學習。在那兒的四、五年期間,他除了研習所有的經典和密續之外,也自第二世蔣貢康楚仁波切、八蚌欽哲仁波切和閉關上師 喇嘛扎西策令等處,領受了完整的三年閉關口傳教授。


Saljey Rinpoche was born in Nangchen in Eastern Tibet. He was recognized as Saljey Rinpoche by the 15th Karmapa Khachab Dorje. His monastery, located at Ripa Barma. He went to Palpung Monastery to enter into the three-year retreat. However, the retreat was full. He went to Palpung Shedra to study for four or five years, where he studied all the sutra and tantra teachings. He received all the oral instructions of the three- year retreat from the Second Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Palpung Khentse Rinpoche, and Palpung retreat master, Lama Tashi Tsering. After completing his studies he returned to his own monastery. Here, he completed a three- year retreat following the oral instructions he had received.



He was responsible for the activities of his monastery while the Abbott travelled and remained in Mount Kelash for many years. After the Chinese invasion he went to Sikkim, Northern India, to a beautiful and remote place called Tagtse. He practiced and meditated there until the 16th Karmapa passed away in 1981.





About seventy five years of age he went to Sherab Ling to be close to Tai Situ Rinpoche. He was compassionate and kind to all the young monks, playing and telling stories. Saljey Rinpoche was involved with the education and sharing his knowledge, such as giving teachings, empowerments, and preserving the precious oral instructions which he received from his masters.  He is considered one of the most revered masters and holders of the pure lineage of the Karma Kagyu tradition.

法王子 大司徒仁波切


在薩傑仁波切駐錫智慧林的期間,喇嘛 噶瑪賁措是寺中的大維那。身為維那師的他有許多問題可以向老仁波切請益,他也和老人家相處了不少的時間。在他的記憶中:薩傑仁波切總是那麼溫和,隨時樂於賜教。「他老人家通常是先給我們一些招待(糖餅等),隨後再開始教導我們。」

就喇嘛 噶瑪賁措個人而言,他和仁波切還有另一層的親近關係──仁波切認識他定居在錫金的父母,他的雙親也常來探望仁波切。

Lama Phuntsok was Chant Master at Sherab Ling for the period of time that Saljey Rinpoche was there.  In his role as chant master Lama Phuntsok had many questions to ask Rinpoche and spent a lot of time with him. Rinpoche was always gentle and willing to teach at any time, usually beginning by sharing treats with his students.

Personally, Lama Phuntsok has a connection with Rinpoche, Saljey Rinpoche also knew Lama Phuntsok's parents who lived in Sikkim and often came to see him.



之後交由弟子們謄寫成正楷大字。薩傑仁波切親撰的自傳,最後便是交由喇嘛 噶瑪賁措保管。


Rinpoche was especially interested in preserving the three-year retreat for the new generation.  He travelled to South East Asia where he received donations to help Tai Situ Rinpoche build a new retreat centre.


喇嘛 噶瑪賁措憶起:有一回,當仁波切傳完整系列的詠給教法之後,他老人家特別對當時正在閉關的詠給明就仁波切說:「如今,我已將此教法回傳給原持有者,您必須善加保存這些教法啊!現在,我的職責已盡。」 薩傑仁波切一直想在他圓寂之前,將他的三年閉關知識傳遞給當時的閉關者。       

At eighty three years of age, Saljey Rinpoche would tirelessly come to teach for a whole day.  His attendants would physically support him.  Lama Phuntsok recalls that one time after finishing the Cycle of Yongey teachings, Saljey Rinpoche particularly mentioned to Mingyur Rinpoche "now I pass down to the original owner of this teaching and you must preserve these teachings. My job is now done."  Saljey Rinpoche always wanted to pass down his knowledge of the three-year retreat to the retreatents before he passed away.

當明就仁波切、喇嘛 噶瑪賁措以及其他的同期閉關僧眾還在閉三年關時,薩傑仁波切已將他著手傳延的教法完全傳授完畢。當時,他看起來非常歡喜,並說:「現在,我要去尼泊爾朝聖。」他和僧眾道了別,還說後會有期。


喇嘛 噶瑪賁措描述火葬當時的情景:薩傑仁波切的遺體安置在中央,來自四大傳承的僧伽為其遺體誦念祈請文,東西南北四方則站滿了數百位的弟子。當大眾還在等待燃點柴薪的正確時刻到來時,火葬的柴薪竟然自行燃燒了起來。目賭此一殊勝瑞相,眾人皆感驚異不已。

While Mingyur Rinpoche, Lama Phuntsok and others were still in three year retreat, Saljey Rinpoche completed all the teachings he set out to offer.  He looked happy, saying that now he would go to Nepal for pilgrimage. He said farewell and that he would see everyone next time. After a short time in Nepal, in early morning, he passed away in meditative state with many signs. His body was brought to Sherab Ling for cremation. 

With Rinpoche's body in the centre, before the Four Lineages praying and standing in the Four Directions, hundreds of disciples gathered. While everyone was waiting for the right time to light the cremation fire, the fire itself burst into flame. People were amazed with this auspicious sign.

Sarwa mangalam

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