喇嘛 噶瑪賁措 簡傳
Brief Biography of Lama Karma Phuntsok

喇嘛 噶瑪賁措於一九六七年出生於錫金首都岡托克近郊──自東藏康區德格流亡至印度的難民家庭。

Lama Karma Phuntsok was born in 1967, in rural Sikkim near Gangtok to a refugee Tibetan family from Derge in Eastern Tibet.


在父母的記憶中, 幼年時的他是一個深具法緣的小男孩。猶記得他那雙小小的手兒總是喜歡握著家中的法本。當家人必須將法本取走時,他便會哭泣了起來。他也會用小木條和舊錫罐做成鼓和鼓槌,獨自坐在那兒一邊敲出節奏,一邊「唱誦」著他想像中的經文。也因此,家人覺得他與僧伽生涯宿緣甚深,就讓他穿上黃褐色的小小藏裝,並膩稱他「小和尚」。那時的他也不過四、五歲而已。

When he was very young his parents remember that he was always interested in holding the family dharma text in his small hands and crying when the text had to be put away. They also remember that he would make a drumstick and drum from a small piece of wood and an old tin can and sit and beat out the rhythm for him self while he "chanted" his imaginary texts. For these reasons Lama Phuntsok's family felt that he had a strong karmic connection to the monastic lifestyle and so dressed him in a little brown chuba, the traditional Tibetan clothing, and started calling him "the little monk" from the time he was about four or five years old.

九歲時,家人送他到第十六世大寶法王的舅舅 岡波南迦那兒學習。曾經是德格官員的岡波南迦是一位優秀的作家。在那一年中,小小賁措跟隨這位卓越的老師學習藏文閱讀和書寫。

At nine years of age he had the opportunity to study with Gonpo Namgyal, a Great Writer, minister of Derge and uncle of H.H. 16th Karmapa. Lama Phuntsok studied reading and writing with this remarkable teacher for one year.


When Lama Phuntsok was ten years of age his parents sent him to Sherab Ling Monastery in Himachal Pradesh, Northern India, in order to receive the traditional education of a Buddhist monk. He was put in the care of Tai Situ Rinpoche, the founder and Abbot of Sherab Ling. Lama Phuntsok's father had a connection with Tai Situpa and Palpung Monastery in Eastern Tibet and so decided that his young son should receive his monastic education from Tai Situ Rinpoche at Sherab Ling in India.

根本上師 依怙主大司徒仁波切

智慧林小沙彌 1979

於是,小賁措來到那兒的僧伽學校學習讀、寫。之後,又在偉大的利美上師 堪布 堪祝仁波切的教導下學習了五年。

The young Lama learned to read and write in the monastic school there and continued his studies under the great Rime teacher Khenpo Khedrup Rinpoche for another five years.

智慧林早期佛學院 1981

堪布 堪祝仁波切意欲返回西藏重建寺院,因而離開了智慧林。就在這時,曾經是西藏八蚌寺大維那的左巴(Umze Zopa) ,為了一償教導下一代年輕僧伽的心願,便不惜千里迢迢地走訪印度智慧林。

When Khenpo Khedrup left to rebuild his monastery in Tibet a teacher called Palpung Umze Zopa came to Sherab Ling to teach the new generation of young monks.

從左至右:大瑜伽士 堪布 堪祝仁波切、大維那左巴、噶瑪賁措、老喇嘛策令1984


Tai Situ chose Lama Phuntsok as one of two monks to receive special instructions from this great ritual master and so for the next two years Lama Phuntsok's education focused on receiving and practising the ritual, music, mudra, tormas, and chanting styles associated with the Karma Kagyü Palpung tradition.

學成後的智慧林二大維那──賁措 & 噶勒
(中二,最右為當時的金剛阿闍梨 策令賈稱)

在這位儀軌教師返回西藏之後,他接著跟隨的,便是那眾所崇仰的上師 薩傑仁波切和竹奔 崔慶喇嘛。

When his teacher returned to Tibet, Lama Phuntsok further studied with the revered masters Saljey Rinpoche and Druppon Lama Tsultrim.



He received teachings and empowerments of the entire Kagyü tradition from Saljey Rinpoche. He received instruction of the Treasure of Knowledge, Utara Tantra Shastra, and instruction of Inner Profound Knowledge, Hevajra Tantra and so forth.



In 1989 Tai Situ Rinpoche initiated the first three- year retreat at Sherab Ling with Kalu Rinpoche, Jamgon Kontrul Rinpoche and others. After a pilgrimage to some of the sacred sites of Buddhism in India including Bodh Gaya, Vulture Peak, Sarnath and Nalanda University, Lama Phuntsok entered this retreat with Mingyur Rinpoche who was only thirteen years old at the time with other monks from the monastery.


After completing this retreat in 1992 Lama Phuntsok continued his Umze (chant master) duties and began teaching the younger students grammar, dharma texts, art, and torma making. Lama Phuntsok has a special talent for calligraphy and taught these skills to younger students. He received an award from Tai Situ Rinpoche.

當年正覺塔前──貢噶仁波切(中)、金剛阿闍梨 策令賈稱(右)、大維那 噶瑪賁措(左)





At the completion of his monastic training Lama Phuntsok was sent by his teacher to Hong Kong and Taiwan to assist with new Karma Kagyü centres there.


1998年, 他開啟了英文學習之旅。他首先前往美國舊金山學習英文半年。1999年2月,他轉往加拿大繼續學習英文。2000年夏,他來到邱揚創巴仁波切及其弟子 阿尼貝瑪秋鐘所創建的岡波寺(位於加拿大東岸不列塔尼岬的 Nova Scortia) 。在那兒,他指導三年閉關行者,協助寺方組織、實施寺院法儀,並分享他在藏傳法樂和繪畫方面的知識。

In 1998 he moved to San Francisco to study English for six months. In February 1999 he travelled to Canada to continue his studies in English. The summer of 2000, Lama Phuntsok moved to Gampo Abbey, a monastery founded by Ani Pema Chodron and her root teacher Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. At Gampo Abbey, located in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada he taught the three- year retreatants and assisted in organizing and performing monastic ceremonies with the Abbey community. He shared his knowledge regarding Tibetan musical instruments and painting at the Abbey.


定期至岡波寺指導三年閉關 2005

2001年12月,他移居加拿大安大略省的 Waterloo,繼續其英文學修。同時,在阿尼 蘇南拉嫫的協助下,創建了大司徒仁波切的「八蚌本智法輪中心」──指導經典研習、禪修及藏文翻譯。

In December 2001 Lama Phuntsok moved to Waterloo, Ontario to continue his study of the English language and assisted by Ani Sonam Lhamo established a new Dharma centre there under the direction of Tai Situ Rinpoche. The centre Palpung Yeshe Chökhor provides instruction in textual study, meditation, and Tibetan translation.




In 2006 he returned to Sherab Ling to receive the Rinchen Terdzö Great Hidden Treasure from Tai Situ Rinpoche. Rinpoche appointed him as the Choeje Lama of Palpung Yeshe Chökhor according to the Palpung tradition. He also appointed Lama Phuntsok as the Tibetan Editor of Omni Dharma Publication.



Lama Phuntsok is an artist who paints in traditional as well as contemporary styles. His paintings are on display at the centre, in a local gallery, and through this web site.




Recently, Lama Phuntosk was invited by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche's Chinese translating & editing team, Thöpaga Song, to Taiwan to guide them in translation, study and practice. He will visit Eastern Asia on a regular basis.

化育資訊網        新北市土城區承天路8巷4-1號        電話:02-22696248        傳真:02-22694013