Gyachen Kadzö (the Treasure of Vast Teachings)


The Treasure of  vast Teachings were complied by the great Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche

The Great Jamyang Kyentse Wangpo stated that this collection holds the correct inclusive meaning of sutra and tantra; new and old translations of Buddhist Teachings. There are ten volumes and an additional three, described as a collection of scattered teachings placed into the correct order. This is like opening the door to the king's treasure.

Composed by Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, 1830 -1899


偉大的上師 蔣揚欽哲旺波對於《廣浩教藏》做了如下的說明:


He puts these Vast Teachings into fifteen summaries:  


1.      Ocean of Quality:  Collection of all the praises to the unequalled beings

This includes, for example, Praises to Buddha Sakayamuni, Praises to the Eight Bodhisattvas, Praises to Arya Tara, Praises to the Karmapa and the 8th Tai Situ Dharmakara and so forth.

1. 無邊功德海藏:對無比士夫禮讚之總匯


2.      Ocean of Blessing:  Collection of the Guru Yogas, the Profound Path

This includes Guru Yogas of the fourteen Karmapas, Guru Yogas of Marpa and Milarepa,

Guru Yogas of Nyingthig, Guru Yogas of Embodiment of all the Lineage Masters, etc.

2. 無邊加持海藏:甚深道──上師相應法之總匯


3.      Ocean of Merit:  Collection of Supplications to the superior beings

Supplication to Situ Pema Nyinje, Supplication to Guru Padma Sambava, Supplication to Shakya Shri, Supplication to Three Roots….

3. 無邊福德海藏:對無上士夫祈請之總匯


4.      Ocean of Accomplishment:  Collection of sadhanas of supreme deities from the new and old translations

This contains the Sadhana of White and Red Manjurshri,  Arya Tara,  Eight Bodhisattvas, Sixteen Arhats,  Long Life Deities, and Vajra Kilaya, Kalachakra and so forth.

4. 無邊成就海藏:舊譯、新譯本尊儀軌之總匯


5.      Ocean of Profound Meaning:  Collection of all the instructions from the sutra and tantra teachings

The instruction on Seven Points of Mind Training, instruction for Chöd and Chenrezig Practice, One Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, Four Deities of Shangpa tradition, Nyingthig Mother and Son (Dzogchen), Torch of Certainty (Mahamudra)….

5. 無邊奧義海藏:經、續教授之總匯


6.      Ocean of Reason and Scriptures:  Collected teachings of Explanations, Holy Discourse and Questions and Answers

Questions by fifteen Karparpa, Khachab Dorje and Answers by Jamgon Kontrul, called "Nectar for Your Ear".

6. 無邊教理海藏:釋義、講述、問答之總匯

當中包含了:第十五世噶瑪巴 卡恰多傑提問、第一世蔣貢康楚仁波切答問之「尊耳甘露」。

7.      Ocean of Genuine Meaning:  Collection of Vajra songs

Collected Songs of Realization in one text of 125 pages and in another text of six pages...

7. 無邊了義海藏:金剛證道歌之總匯


8.      Ocean of Teachings:  Collection of advice or oral instruction for the main disciples

Advice to Lhawang Tashi, Lama Karma Rinchen ,Terton and others.

8. 無邊教誡海藏:上師給予主要弟子忠告、口訣之總匯


9.      Ocean of Sanskrit:  How to design and name the collection of grammars, shastras and Palpung texts...

9. 無邊梵文海藏:指示如何編纂、命名文法書籍、論典和八邦經籍之總匯

10.  Ocean of Excellent Words: Collection of Official Letters and Letters for Offerings.

There are 39 pages related to Letters for Offerings and 42 pages in the guide containing different addresses and customary phrases used in writing official letters ….  

10. 無邊雅言海藏:官方書信與供養書信之總匯


11.  Ocean of Wonders:  Collection of History, Contents and Titles

Contents of Jowo Monastery, 71pages; Contents of Shangpa Teachings; Contents of Tsada Monastery.  Brief history of all the lineages.  Biography of Jamyong Khentse Wangpo, 118 pages, and Jamgon Kontrul,himself, 210 pages and so forth.

11. 無邊稀有海藏:史傳、內容物、書名之總匯


12.  Ocean of Temporal and Spiritual Well-Being:  Collection of necessities

The benefits of Medicine Buddha.  Rituals related to marriage and longevity.  Astrological forecast and labels of sun and moon eclipse; geomantic signs….

12. 無邊利樂海藏:各種必要知識之總集


13.  Ocean of Activities:  Collection of offerings to the Dharma Protectors and Local Spirits

Offerings to the embodiment of all the samaya bonds and to the Ekajati; smoke offerings to the Protectors of the Jatson traditions; clouds of auspicious offering to Mountain Spirit and purification to Mountain Spirit and so forth.

13. 無邊事業海藏:向護法、地祇所行供養之總匯


14.  Ocean of Elegant Description:  Collection of shastras which describe general knowledge

The root text of astrology, 175 pages; Synonymies (one of the grammar books from India), 12 pages; Sanskrit and Tibetan dictionary, 130 pages; Zintig, (one of the most important medical texts); 79pages. Resolution of the view.

14. 無邊善說海藏:通識論典總匯


15. Ocean of Wish Fulfilling Jewell:  Collection of Dedications, Merits and Auspiciousness

 15. 無邊如意滿願吉祥海藏:迴向文、福德文、吉祥文之總匯


Thank you so much for your interest in this teaching.  I am happy and very pleased to be invited to describe these very important works of the Great Jamgon Kontrul Rinpoche.  It is important that Tai Situ Rinpoche, who is the embodiment of Pema Sambava and Metriya Buddha, is willing to give this teaching to us. The main recipient is Jamgon Kontrol Rinpoche, the owner of the teachings, and also high teachers such as Sange Nyenpa Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche and other important teachers who hold intellect and practice lineages who have come together for this assembly which happens once in a life time.  We are very fortunate.  If it is possible for you, I encourage you to come to receive these teachings, even for a few days, to have a connection with the supreme Dharma as well as the great masters for this final cycle of Five Treasures.

Thank you again.


首先,感謝各位讀者對此一法教的關注。能受邀簡介偉大上師 蔣貢康楚仁波切的重要鉅著 (知識寶藏與廣浩教藏),我個人亦深感榮幸。






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