






確傑喇嘛 噶瑪賁措於加拿大東岸

Shejadzö (the Treasure of Knowledge)

Composed by Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, 1830 -1899


由第一世蔣貢康楚仁波切(1830 -1899)所編撰。


I am going to give you a simple definition from the contents of this text:  


The text has three volumes labeled Om, Ah, Hum, representing the Buddha's Body, Speech and Mind.  This is the Shastra which contains three higher trainings:  Morality, Wisdom and Concentration.


What is Shastra?  In Tibetan, Shastra is called Tenchö. 

Generally, the teachings are divided into two:  Ka and Tenchö.  Ka are Buddha's own words that are contained in 108 volumes in the Tibetan language. Tenchö are the commentaries on these teachings, mainly from Indian masters and are contained in 200 volumes.  In addition, the Tibetan masters' commentaries are also included in the Shastra.

The definition of Tenchö has two meanings:  Chö and Kyob.  Chö means change and Kyob means protection.  Therefore, by practicing and studying these teachings it is possible to transform your defilements into positive mind. Protection is defined by taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.  The idea is to be protected from falling into the lower realms and eventually achieve freedom from all suffering, ultimately leading to Buddhahood.




論藏(滇倔),在藏文中有二層涵義:「倔」和「克 」。


「克 」意為保護,指的是皈依佛、法、僧三寶。由此而能免於墮入下三道,最終能從所有的痛苦中解脫出來,乃至究竟成佛。

The teachings are divided into 10 great chapters:

The world as a container, the content of which all sentient beings are a part; how the Buddha came to this world; the teachings as Dharma itself; the development of Buddhism in the world; the training of morality; the beginning, hearing the teachings; the middle is contemplation; the end is concentration (meditation); followed by the Paths and Bhumis; and finally the fruition.














Each chapter contains four parts:


Chapter One:

In the first teaching the world is described as: 

1) the general Mahayana point of view of cosmic system,

2) the particular Theravadin point of view of the world,  

3) the specific over-view of the Kalachakra world system,

4) the causes and conditions that create samsara (this world).



1)      依於一般大乘觀點所見的宇宙體系

2)      依於特定小乘觀點所見的世界

3)      依於特殊宏觀所見的時輪世界體系

4)      形成此娑婆世界的因與緣

Chapter Two:

Describes the development of the Buddha as:

1) how the Buddha followed the path of the Bhodisattva in his previous lives,

2) how the Buddha obtained enlightenment from different philosophical points of view,

3) the twelve deeds of the Buddha's activities in the world,

4) the Vajrayana point of view of the Buddha's various manifestations.



1)      佛陀於過去生中如何行持菩薩道

2)      依於各種不同的哲學觀點來看佛陀是如何入達證悟

3)      佛陀於此世間所示現的十二事業行

4)      依於金剛乘的觀點來看佛陀的各種示現

Chapter Three:

Discusses the teachings of the Buddha that can be described as: 

1) recognizing the Buddha's teachings,

2) the Dharma teachings in relation to scriptures,

3) the collection of the doctrines after Buddha's parinirvana,

4) discussion of Nyingma traditions.



1)      認知佛陀的教法

2)      有關經典的教法

3)      於佛陀入滅之後所集結的教法

4)      寧瑪巴(舊派)之研討

Chapter Four:

Talks about Buddhist history and can be described as: 

1) how Buddhism developed in India,

2) how Buddhism developed in Tibet,

3) how the eight practice lineages developed in Tibet,

4) the five ancient sciences.



1)      佛教在印度的發展

2)      佛教在西藏的發展

3)      八大修持傳承在西藏的發展

4)       五種古科學(「五明」)

Chapter Five:

This chapter is about (shila), the process of moral conduct: 

1) the relationship of teacher and student,

2) Pratimoksha vows,

3) Boddhisattva vows,

4) Vajrayana vows.


此品論述「戒律 (尸羅)」如次:

1) 師徒關係

2) 別解脫戒(波羅提木叉戒)

3) 菩提心戒

4) 金剛乘戒

Chapter Six:

Refers to all sciences related to the Buddhist Teachings: 

1) learning or studying the general sciences and social behaviors,

2) teachings related to the Hinayana and Mahayana path,

3) the causal philosophical vehicle,

4) the Vajra vehicle of secret mantrayana. 


此品論述「佛教相關科學 」如次:

1) 學習一般科學與社會行止

2) 小乘道、大乘道之相關教法

3) 因乘

4) 密咒金剛乘

Chapter Seven:

Pertains to Wisdom, the complete Buddhist path described as: 

1) overview of the teachings,

2) teachings of genuine and provisional meaning and the interdependent origination of the three vehicles,

3) main views of Buddhism,

4) four thoughts to transform the mind.



1) 教法概要

2) 了義、不了義教法與三乘緣起

3) 佛教的主要見地

4) 轉心四思惟法

Chapter Eight:

Describes the types of concentration or samadi such as: 

1) the Shamatha and Vipashana practice which is the foundation of all Buddhist practices, 2) meditation which is based on the tradition of the causal philosophical vehicle,

3) meditation which is based on the Mantrayana tradition,

4) the meditation based on oral instructions of the Vajrayana tradition.



1) 佛法修持共基──止(奢摩他)(毗婆舍那)

2) 依循因乘傳統之禪修

3) 依循咒乘傳統之禪修

4) 依循金剛乘口傳傳統之禪修

Chapter Nine:

Talks about the levels of Paths and Buhmis: 

1) the Paths or Bhumis which is the tradition of causal philosophical vehicle,  

2)  the Paths or Bhumis which is the tradition or fruition of the philosophical vehicle,  

3)  improvement of the Vajrayana path,  

4) Paths and Bhumis which is the tradition of the Three Yogas. (Nyingmapa) 



1) 因乘傳統之道、地

2) 果乘傳統之道、地

3) 金剛乘道次

4) (寧瑪巴)三瑜伽傳統之道、地

Chapter Ten:

This chapter discusses the completion of stages of the path: 

1) fruition of the causal philosophical vehicle,  

2) ordinary accomplishment of the Mantrayana tradition,  

3) final result of Vajrayana vehicle,

4) fruition of Nyingma tradition. 



1) 因乘傳統之證果

2) 咒乘傳統之共成就

3) 金剛乘之究竟證果

4) 寧瑪巴傳統之證果



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