Palpung Sherab Ling Event 2006-2008:

Previous Spiritual Feasts-the Five Great Treasures Empowerments (I)

Interviewee: Chöje Lama Karma Phuntsok of Palpung Sherab Ling   
Interviewer: Thöpaga Song Editing & Translating Team
On June 20, 2007
In Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 


稀珍法筵──《五巨藏》傳法 (I)

受訪:確傑喇嘛 噶瑪賁措 (八蚌智慧林座下)  

Receiving the empowerments and teachings of the Five Great Treasures from H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche is a precious event that may happen to us only once in a life time.  

The first treasure which has been given last year (2006) was Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo (the Great Hidden Treasure) The next two treasures which will be given this year (2007), in late August, are Kagyu Ngadzö (the Treasure: Mantra teachings of Kagyu tradition) and Damngadzö (the Treasure of Spiritual Instructions).  



Q: Chöje Lama-la, would you please give us a general idea about the Five Great Treasures?


A: The so called Dzöchen Namnga (the Five Great Treasures) are:

Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo (the Great Hidden Treasure),

Kagyu Ngadzö (the Treasure: Mantra teachings of Kagyu Tradition),

Damngadzö (the Treasure of Spiritual Instructions),

Gyachen Kadzö (the Treasure of Vast Teachings),

Shejadzö (the Treasure of Knowledge).







These Treasures were compiled by the 1st Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche at the end of the 19th century in Dzong Shö Düpa, near Palpung Monastery.


Jamgon Rinpoche was one of the greatest scholars in Tibetan history. His teacher was the 9th Tai Situ, Pema Nyinje Wangpo of Palpung tradition.

第一世蔣貢仁波切是藏史上最偉大的學者之一,他的上師是八蚌傳承之主──第九世大司徒仁波切 貝瑪寧傑汪波尊者。

First of all, the Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo is the collection of all the teachings of Terma (hidden treasures) which were revealed by hundreds of great Tertons (treasure revealers). This Treasure contains 60 volumes of texts.


Here, let me explain a bit about the reason why the Five Great Treasures are so precious in our Tibetan tradition.


The 1st Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche saw how the Tibetan Buddhist teachings were dying out at the time of degeneration. Out of his wisdom and compassion, he exerted all his strength to save them. For this, he had traveled all over Tibet to collect all the precious teachings and carry on the living lineage of each teaching.


Generally speaking, a higher teaching which we receive in our tradition consists of three parts. They are:


Minje Kyi Wang: the empowerments which ripen our minds


Dölje Kyi Trid: the instructions which lead us to liberation


Gyabten Gi Lung: the oral transmissions which give us the base to receive such empowerments and teachings.


You can imagine that what Jamgon Rinpoche chose to undertake was indeed a super task.


As far as Rinchen Terdzö is concerned, Jamgon Rinpoche was well-known for undertaking this task at that time. This drew the attention of tertons from all the corners of Tibet. They tried to send him their terma texts so that their texts could be included in the Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo.

It is one of the reasons why the content of this very Treasure was so complete and vast.



Q: Chöje Lama-la, can you tell us what is Kagyu Ngadzö (the Treasure: Mantra teachings of Kagyu tradition) all about?


A: Kagyu Ngadzö contains all the Tantric teachings of the Kagyu tradition. They are the teachings of the so-called "New Translation".


These teachings consist of two parts.


The first part was passed down by Ngog Chöku Dorje, one of the four leading disciples of Marpa. These teachings were called "Seven Mandalas of Ngog". The second part was the collection of scattered Tantric teachings.



According to Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche's collection, they were put in three categories:


I. The Virtue in the Beginning

It includes: White Tara, Amitayus Long Life empowerment, Vajrasattva, Namgyalma, Green Tara, Vajrapani, etc.

I.  初善


II. The Virtue in the Middle

It includes 13 higher Tantras of Marpa's tradition. Each of them goes with Creation Stage and Completion Stage.

II. 中善


1. The Mandala of Hevajra Tantra, which consists of nine deities

1. 喜金剛壇城,包含了九位本尊

2. The Mandala of Dagmema with 15 goddesses

2. 佛母達媚瑪與十五天女壇城

3. The Mandala of Vajra Tent

3. 金剛帳壇城

4. The Condensed Family of Vajrasattva from Sambuti (Tantra)

4. 桑布提(密續梵文名)之金剛薩埵集部(各部金剛薩埵總集於此密續中)

5. The Mandala of Vajra Yogini with five deities

5. 金剛瑜伽女與五本尊壇城

6. The Mandala of Chakra Samvara with five deities

6. 勝樂金剛與五本尊壇城

7. Khorlö Gyurdruk of Chakra Samvara

7. 勝樂金剛六轉輪壇城

8. The Mandala of Sanje Thöpa (Buddhakapala)

8. 佛頂顱壇城

9. The Mandala of Mahamaya

9. 瑪哈瑪雅壇城

10. The Male Mandala of Four Vajra Seats Tantra (Catuhpitha)


11. The Female Mandala of Four Vajra Seats Tantra (Catuhpitha)


12. The Mandala of Guhyasamaja  


13 The Mandala of Jampal Sangden

13.文殊密具壇城 (文殊所有秘密聖號總集於此密續中)

Along with these 13 Mandalas, there are also other Mandalas such as: 

Red Bhairava of Virupa (one of the 84 Indian Mahasiddhas) which consists five deities

Yamantaka with nine deities

Rechungpa's Tumo of Five Deities, etc.






III. The Virtue at the End  

It includes Single Mahakala, 4-armed Mahakala, Vetali (Marpa's main Dharma protector), Tashi Tseringma, etc.

III. 結善  


Q: Now comes the Damngadzö (the Treasure of Spiritual Instruction). Can you give us some idea about it?


A: Damngadzö is a collection of all the essential teachings of the eight practice-lineages in Tibetan Buddhism.

It contains all the essential teachings of Sutras and Tantras.


It was said if we didn't have enough time to practice all the teachings which we had received from our masters, merely hearing these teachings would be definitely conducive to purify our negative karmas so that we might have a higher rebirth and eventually reach our ultimate goal, enlightenment.


Now let's go over the eight practice-lineages related to Damngadzö briefly.


First of all, the lineage of Nyingmapa, the so-called "the Old Tradition" started around the 8th century, introduced by Guru Padmasambhava.

The essential teachings contain Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga. Among these yogas there are specific practices called "Warm Breath of Dakini's Teachings"  



The 2nd lineage is Kadhampa which was introduced by Atisha Shri Jana, a great India Pandita of Nalanda University.  

The essential teachings contain the Great Path of Lamp to Enlightenment, the Seven Points of Mind-Training, etc.

二為噶當傳承。由聖智阿底峽尊者 (古印度那爛陀大學的大班智達) 所啟始。


The 3rd lineage is Lamdre (Sakyapa) which was introduced by Dokmi Lotsawa and established by Khön Konchok Gyalpo.

The essential teachings are Lamdre which has Distant Lineage and Near Lineage, Cutting Through the Four Grasping, Lamdre Guru Yoga, Instructions in Samsara and Nirvana Inseparable, etc. 

三為道果傳承 (薩迦派)。由卓米譯師引介教法,款·袞卻傑波為立派初祖。


The 4th lineage is Marpa Kagyu which was introduced by Marpa, the great Tibetan translator.

The essential teachings contain the Six Yogas of Naropa, Chakrasamvara of Whisper Lineage, Formless Dakini's Teachings of Rechungpa, Instructions in Mahamudra, etc.

四為馬爾巴噶舉傳承,由西藏大譯師 馬爾巴尊者所啟始。


The 5th lineage is Shangpa Kagyu which was introduced by Khyungpo Naljor, a great Tibetan master. The essential teachings contain:

Root-the Six Dharmas


Branch- the Three Practices


Along with the above teachings are Guru Yoga of Shangpa Kagyu tradition, the Five Dakinis, the 6-armed Mahakala, etc.

五為香巴噶舉傳承,初祖為藏傳大師 克珠瓊波南交。







The 6th lineage is Shije which was introduced by Phadampa Sanje, a great Indian yogi.

The essential teachings contain Practices and Instructions of Chö along with Feast Offerings (Tsok Le), Guru Yoga of Shije, etc.

六為希解傳承,初祖為印度大瑜伽士 帕當巴桑傑。


The 7th lineage is Jordruk which was introduced by Jo Dawe özer, a great Tibetan translator. 

Their essential teachings contain Kalachakra Tantra and its instructions, Teachings from Shawaripa (one of the 84 Indian Mahasiddhas), Guru Yoga of Jordruk, etc.



The 8th lineage is Dorje Nyendup which was introduced by Dupthob Ü-gyenpa, a great Tibetan yogi. 

The core practices are the Ultimate Teachings of Chakrasamvara which Ü-gyenpa received from Vajra Yogini and Dakinis of four families. These teachings include empowerments, oral transmission, instructions and commentaries.

八為金剛念修傳承,初祖為西藏大成就者 烏金巴。 


Q: Chöje Lama-la, thank you very much for giving us such a clear outline related to the empowerments and teachings which had been and will be given by Tai Situ Rinpoche in Sherab Ling. It sounds like a super spiritual feast which may fulfill our ultimate wish of life, doesn't it?      


A: Indeed, it is a supreme spiritual feast.


In 2006, during the Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo, more than 800 empowerments of Terma tradition were given by His Eminence the 12th Tai Situpa, a great Vajra master who is well-known as an emanation of Padmasambhava. The oral transmission was given by the 7th Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a reincarnation of a great Terton.

In addition, the main recipient was the reincarnation of the compiler of Dzöchen Namnga, the 4th Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche. 



主要受法者是尊貴的 第四世蔣貢康楚仁波切──他正是五巨藏主編的轉世。

This year 2007, from 22nd of August to the beginning of November, the empowerments and teachings of Kagyu Ngadzö and Damngadzö will be again given by Tai Situpa and the oral transmission will be given by the 10th Sanje Nyennpa Rinpoche, a very great master of Kagyu tradition.


二巨藏的口傳將由噶舉派至為殊勝的上師 第十世桑傑年巴仁波切傳授。

In the duration while the highest teachings are given by the highest master, many of the great masters of Kagyupa such as H.E. Jamgon Rinpoche, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche…along with thousands of Vajra brothers and sisters will gather together again in Sherab Ling like a spiritual reunion. In the pure vision of Vajra masters, all the Dakas and Dakinis will also gather around and the entire area which the Dharma event is going on will turn into Mandalas of deities. It is such an auspicious Dharma activity that it will definitely bring peace and bliss all over the world. 




Here, I sincerely invite you, all the readers to join this precious Dharma gathering. Even if you can only participate in it for a couple of days, the connection will certainly contribute to your welfare in this life and future lives.


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